IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management: An Overview
As per IBM, the Gartner Magic Quadrant has ranked the Maximo EAM as an industry leader for 27 years straight. IDC MarketScape and G2 GridBest have also given IBM’s Maximo similar positions in their surveys and comparative studies. In fact, popular claims suggest that the IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management Software can decrease downtime by almost 20%, improve labour utilisation by similar numbers and reduce excess inventory issues by 30%. All these paints a hopeful picture for this asset management software when it comes to the enterprises’ needs to track, optimise, and fully access the potential of their assets. The winning features of IBM Maximo EAM The first noteworthy feature of this EAM platform has to be its IoT integration, the one that IBM highlights as well. Maximo can capture data in real-time from people, sensors and other related devices to display the necessary data for performance and health tracking. It also supports API integration and allows users to access th...